Installation and Maintenance

A flood-defence wall consists of more than just a couple of stoplogs. The CFM container-filler is a technically sophisticated and extremely hard-wearing piece of equipment designed to simplify considerably the problems that arise when handling standard shipping containers.
Putting these products into service in a correct and expert manner is just as important as their proper design and high-quality, precision manufacture. This is likewise an area where IBS will not leave you to fend for yourself.
Whether you are dealing with a flood-defence wall in Thailand, a valve-control project in Saudi Arabia or the setting-up of a container filler in Australia, neither IBS nor its team of installers will let you down - wherever you may be.
We market our products worldwide. But mere marketing is not enough for us. We remain by your side onsite, as a reliable and competent partner you can trust. Customer service and maintenance are not just throwaway terms; for us they are our life-blood.
For further information on our sales areas and the regions that we serve, please e-mail us. Our corresponding regional contact person will then get back to you as soon as possible.